
You Can’t get Everything You Want

Imagine being a parent to an unruly child. They say "thank you" when they get something, but they tend to create scenes or just rebel when they don't get their way. For some of you, that may actually be your reality (or maybe you've seen those types of children before). You cooked them dinner, but… Continue reading You Can’t get Everything You Want

Uncategorized, Uplifting Words

Keep Calm

You are human! I know when times get hard, the first thing we often tend to do is get worried. We all know we should pray and let God handle it, but we often try to take things into our own hands and take up unnecessary stress. We try to carry something only Jesus can… Continue reading Keep Calm

Uplifting Words

Unshakeable Faith

There are three types of people in this world: 1. Those going into a storm 2. Those already in a storm 3. Those coming out of a storm In this life we must all know that we will face trials. No matter who we are, one thing we cannot escape is problems. So many trust… Continue reading Unshakeable Faith